Make me Invisible

The greatest struggle in my walk with God can be described in one word.  My greatest hindrance to growth, my greatest killer of relationships, the greatest detriment to a deeper walk with God and a stronger faith….me.  Another word…selfishness.  My life is about me more than anything else.  This is every Christian’s battle and when we realize how self centered we are…that is the first step towards victory and freedom.  When we realize that we need God in control of EVERY SINGLE aspect, every thought, every activity we participate in…and when we choose His desire for us over our own…that is when we grow.  That is when we are free. I don’t know about anyone else, but dying to self is a huge struggle for me every moment of every day.  God help me to die that you might live in and through me.  Let me live in such a way that others see Christ and I am invisible.

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