Archive | August 2013

Blessed Summer Memories

This has been a wonderful summer full of so many blessings in the area of ministry. God has just opened so many doors of opportunity and I am so humbled and thankful to be a part. I have had the opportunity to minister and to be ministered too so it all goes full circle!
First, in June, I attended the Southern Christian Writer’s Conference where I had the wonderful blessing of meeting the editor of The Alabama Baptist, Jennifer Rash. I almost did not attend the conference because of finances but at the last minute God came through with a catering opportunity that paid exactly the amount needed to attend the conference. It was meant to be. God had such plans for me and my life was changed forever. After the conference, Jennifer and I continued to keep in touch. Eventually, we began to see that we had some common interests. We both write, of course. But we both also enjoy public speaking. As a result, the next blessing of the summer took place. I was invited to join her at the women’s tablescapes luncheon to hear her speak on being Christ’s light in a dark world.
What a wonderful time! I got to sit by her as her guest at the table and met so many interesting women of God. It was a blessing from the time I was greeted at the door and I continue to be blessed by the things that were said and done that day.

There is still so much more to add to this story but the story is still being written as summer is not over yet. I’m on my way to Orange Beach. I will not be taking my computer because I am on vacation and I’m not going to work! I look forward to updating this post when I return. Oh there is so much to share! It may just be that I’ll have to write several posts.

Victory is a Choice

A victim mentality is formed by a lifetime of abuse and constant rejection.  It is a sense of worthlessness that just snowballs on itself.  The victim feels hopeless and often jealous or envious of those who don’t experience such abuse and rejection. As a consequence she can become very negative, only setting herself up for more rejection.  For a Christian, this is especially difficult because of the expectations that she should be “like Christ”.  This only sets her up to see herself as a disappointment to God as well as the human race.

Often she finds judgement and criticism when she hopes for mercy and grace. This creates an even larger snowball and more self loathing.  When this has been the experience for an entire lifetime, it is nothing short of a miracle to change this mentality.  She cannot do it alone but, God makes all things possible. When her hope is in Him, she can learn to be victorious in spite of her circumstances.  She can have joy in the midst of rejection.  She can be light in the darkness.  She can pray for her enemies and love them from a safe distance. It is her choice to remain defeated or to claim the victory that is already hers.  This is very personal to me.  This is the battle I have fought for decades.  I choose to believe God.

A Word on Worship

This is a message to all worship leaders. This includes the music director, choir members, praise band members and yes, even the lay person who has chosen to join the musicians in leading worship from your seat.  The key word here is “leader”.  If you are leading another in worship, you must keep in mind that your authentic worship is going to be contagious. However, since you are “leading” others, even your lack of authentic worship will also be contagious.

I have been called out in the past because at times, my worship can seem to be a little much to some and I understand how they might think my freedom of worship is to draw attention to myself.  There could be nothing further from the truth.  I am convicted about my worship.  If I want to raise my hands and I hold back then I am worshiping horizontally.  What I mean by this is that I am worshiping the opinions of others.  If I worship to gain the attention of others I am also worshiping horizontally. This is called idol worship.  It is either worship of self or worship of others but it is not worshiping God.

Whether I raise my hands or move or bow my head, or do nothing particularly noticeable at all – it must be done to bring glory, worship and attention to Almighty God.


Image from:

False humility is another thing to consider.  It is difficult to get up and use your talents and gifts to honor God and not desire to receive praise or attention.  However, to stand expressionless at the end of a song in order to not draw attention to you is just as noticeable (and perhaps even more noticeable) than taking a bow.  It still draws attention to you instead of God.  When I see worship leaders go from deep worship to blank stares or even sometimes looking bored or angry after a song, my heart sinks a bit.  I wonder how a person can in just a moment; go from singing praises of the wonder of God’s majesty to standing there with no sign of joy on their face or in their countenance. Were they just performing or where they actually worshiping? Sometimes, they sing with an apparent lack of joy as well.  They look as if they are there by force, or perhaps just wish they were someplace else (perhaps they are in their minds).

It’s a tough job being a worship leader because like it or not, you are being watched.  The attention is on you even if the focus is on God.  You will be seen.  You will be an influence.  You will influence the mood in some way.  You will influence the level of worship that others will experience.  That is why you are a worship leader.  You have a gift from God to lead others (through the power of His Spirit) into a place of worship.  So, don’t let a fear of drawing praise to yourself keep you from expressing the joy that comes when you praise God in your heart!  God knows your heart and His approval is what you want to gain, and His glory that you want to project. It’s okay to smile!  It’s okay to even clap or shout when you finish (or even while you are still singing) as long as you are doing it for the glory of God.  It’s okay to smile and share the joy you are experiencing as a worship leader.  If you say you are not wired that way, then perhaps you should seek to serve in another capacity.  If you are called to be a worship leader…you will be wired to lead others in worship with your voice, your body, your mind, your face, your expressions, and your mannerisms.  You will lead worship with all of you.  How your worship comes forth paints a picture to others of what is in your heart and/or Who is Lord over your heart.  If God is in His rightful place, you will know that false humility has no place.  When the people clap and shout, you know that God has moved so it’s okay to clap and shout with them…For HIM! Others ARE watching and YOU can make that joy of worship contagious! You can clap and smile and still give all the glory to God at the same time.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!  Amen.