Archive | May 2014

Mom’s Night Out

Today, to celebrate Mother’s Day, my hubby and I went to the movies to see “Mom’s Night Out”.  All I can say is, “wow”.  I could really relate to the main character in this movie.  It was quite entertaining and very funny.  Definitely kept us on our toes.

It’s the story of a mom and some of her friends who just need a break.  When they finally take it, all chaos breaks loose.  But, the part that really hit home for me was a scene towards the end. Don’t worry, it isn’t a spoiler.

I have just come through a rough spot in my walk with God.  It happens.  I feel like I can’t live up to and I feel like a failure.  I see myself as a hopeless mess (not unlike the mom in this movie).

One line really hit home for me.  After she was asked who she was trying so hard to live up to.  She listed her family, kids, God, etc…  But then she was told that perhaps the only one she was trying to live up to was herself.  Now, these aren’t the exact words because I have a short memory.  But it was along these lines.  When this was told to the poor stressed out mother who felt so defeated, she sat in shock, realizing how wise these words were.

Ok, here is a very minor spoiler alert…

She is a blogger who has only 3 followers.  After she has this breakthrough, she is encouraged by her husband to blog again.  When she does, after this great revelation, she ends up with about 234 followers.

So, here is my epiphany blog.  I had the same reaction to what the man said to her in the movie.  I was moved to tears.  It’s so true.  Nobody really expects me to live up to any kind of standard.  People who love me just love me and accept me as I am. I need to just be the me God made me to be (if I can even figure out who that is or what exactly that means).

I often watch the Berry Eagle live stream.  I watched the egg hatch and the eaglet to grow.  Now she is about to leave the nest.  I watch in the storms and they just carry on, and do what they were created to do.  It always amazes me how they endure so much and don’t even seem to get the least bit flustered.  We can learn a lot from the eagles.  I have even thought, “I wish I could be more like them…just live and do what I was created to do..just be me and be content being me.”  That’s what was discussed in the movie.  Hit me like a ton of bricks today.

I just want to live like the eagles.  I want to do what I was created to do.  I want to be the me God created me to be.

Unlike the movie, I doubt this post will cause me to have 232 more followers than my 2.  But, I do know that something inside me was changed as a result of seeing this fantastic movie and I just wanted to write about it.

The Word is Freedom


“The Word of God is sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12


One might be tempted to read Hebrews 4:12 and think of this as harsh.  It may even cause you to fear reading God’s word, fear what it might reveal, fear of what it might ask you to give up or let go of.  While letting go is rarely an easy thing to do (especially for somebody who has been deeply wounded and betrayed many times over by the very people they love the most), it is the key that opens the door to freedom.  There is so much in  life that can weigh us down.  The pain of a lifetime of abuse and dysfunction goes deep into the marrow of the bone.  It is such a heavy and difficult load to bear if we do not cast it upon Christ.  A person who has never walked through this valley, in an effort to help, with the best of intentions, may judge your heart incorrectly.  This can cause you to carry even more weight due to the resulting feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness.  God’s Truth will never do this. This is why that while we need to consider the advice of a friend when given, we must always test it against the Holy Scriptures.

The truth always sets the believer free when it is accepted and put into practice.  The Word of God can be very hard to swallow sometimes, but it should never weigh a person down. It should be the first and last place we turn to find Truth.  This is not to say that advice from friends and loved ones should be discarded.  All that falls somewhere in the middle and it must line up with Scripture.

I see this verse in a new light today.  I don’t approach it with fear but with hope.  You can too!  Let the Word of God penetrate deeply into your heart and set you free from the pain that goes deep into the marrow of your bones.  A lifetime of wrong thinking is not easy to break free from.  There is a liar who is always careful to whisper in your ear all the wrong things.   This is why it is vital for your recovery to devour the scriptures daily! It may not happen in a moment but with every concept, every bit of Truth your heart grabs on to, you can feel it as it chisels away at that deep rooted disease of bitterness and pain.  It gives victory over wrong thinking.

Stay in God’s word.  Let it do surgery on your heart.  Let it set you free and make you an overcomer!  You can’t do it without God.  He wants to give you this miracle.  It’s yours for the taking; in the pages of Scripture.