Archive | June 2014

Freedom of Choice

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 
(1 Cor 6:19-20)


housecleaning2We are called to be good stewards of what God gives us whether it is our money, fame, out talents, our voice, our bodies. I’ll be the first to admit I have things that need to change. God doesn’t make rules to be a killjoy. He makes them so we can have life and have it more abundantly.

When we don’t take proper care of what we have we suffer consequences. When we smoke, abuse food, abuse alcohol, don’t exercise, and eat horrible things we suffer diabetes, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, depression, heart attack, and shorten our lives. We end up having to take medicines with horrible consequences on other parts of our bodies and so on. When we step out of God’s design for sex we suffer s.t.ds, self-esteem issues, teen pregnancy, single parenting, sexual abuse, abortion, poverty, messed up thinking, confusion over our own sexuality and more. When we gossip we destroy lives (God help me with this one…so easy to break this rule). When we are irresponsible with money we end up drowning in debt which leads to stress, envy, jealousy, theft, crime, health problems, mental problems etc. God tells us not to envy, covet or be jealous because it takes our focus off of loving and puts it on selfishness. It leads to misery, depression, greed, more lust, bigger theft, and then we hurt people to get what we want. Drug addiction, same thing…look where that leads! People steal from their own families, abuse themselves and others, end up in jail and often dead. It ruins their health, their mind, their relationships, their families.

It’s the same no matter what rule we break. Adam and Eve were the first to break the rules by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden. They had ONE rule and broke it, leaving all mankind to pay the penalty even today – eternal separation from God apart from Christ (whom God provided to save us from ourselves and eternal death).

Our choices don’t just affect us, they affect everyone our lives come in contact with every day. They affect our children, their children, our friends, our marriages, our coworkers, etc. This is why God who is perfect and all wise makes rules. He makes them to protect us that we might have life more abundantly, not to suck the fun out of life. He makes them to keep us free not to imprison us. We imprison ourselves when we do our own thing. The one who wants to trap us, imprison us, kill us. He tells us that fun means you have to break God’s rules. He is a LIAR! Just look at history for proof.

My choices every day largely impact how difficult or abundant my life will be. We all have the same choices to make. The difference between a life of abundance and a life of struggle are up to each of us. We can’t control some things but we can control how we respond to them. The things we can control are the decisions we make. We really do have more power than we give ourselves credit for . God given power…the freedom to choose wisely.

body as temple 1



My grandmother passed away on Father’s day at 9:30 in the morning.  She lives in New England.  She was 101 years old.  I went up to see her on her 100th birthday, knowing it would probably be the last time I’d get to see her alive and it was.  Saying goodbye was heart wrenching.  Since I was not able to attend her memorial service, I wrote something to be read.  I am so thankful that I got to be a part of the service even though I couldn’t be there in the flesh.  Now that it is over, I wanted to post it here in honor of her memory.  I love you so much, Grammy and I have been missing you since we said goodbye last year.


A Poem for Grammy…because it’s what we both love

Bittersweet Parting

My heart is both heavy and filled with celebration

As I think about Grammy at home there in heaven

In this moment I’m sad because of all that I will miss

Her fudge and lace cookies, her smile, her hug and her kiss

But although I am sad that she is no longer here

I celebrate that she is home and Jesus is near

She will never again suffer from pain or sadness

From this day on she will only have joy and gladness

She is with Grampa and loved ones who have gone before

She is at home with the Savior she has been longing for

Yet in our hearts and memories she will still live on

She still loves and laughs through our hearts as if she is not gone

We had so much in common, my sweet Grammy and me

Cake decorating and baking, and crafting with beads

We both loved to write poetry and words to express

Prayers for our loved ones and expressions of thankfulness

I’m grateful for memories of moments we shared

From childhood to adult, I always knew that she cared

Although there were some years that got lost along the way

The love we shared in our hearts was always there to stay

My Grammy will live on here on earth because you see

She has been mixed in the clay that God used to mold me

I had two grandmothers that God used to be a part

Of the woman I am and why God lives in my heart

There is no greater gift that they could have given to me

Than the hope to worship God with them eternally

So I’ll miss Grammy for a moment while I am here

But I can know that each day in my heart she is near

I only hope that when we gather for the Great Feast

That her lace cookies and fudge will be part of the treat!


I love you Grammy…and I will miss you until the moment I see you once again…in your glorified body, in the presence of God.  Then, this life will have seemed nothing more than a vapor…a blink.  Until then, however, it seems like a very long time.  I will keep you in my heart.  I will think of you every time I hang the ornaments we made together with beads.  I won’t forget the pom-pom magnets and Sunday boiled dinners.  I keep real butter on the table in a glass dish like you had when I was little.  I never knew how a butter dish could make such an impact! I will cherish the memories of the  times we spent dancing at the club, you making fudge and lace cookies, the time  you spent sharing stories with my kids, playing in your attic every other Sunday when Dad would pick us up…the smell of your apartment, the sound of climbing the stairs, the puzzles and that deep bathtub with the legs…your hugs…seeing you for the first time in years on your 90th birthday…hugging you for what seemed like forever while we both cried together when you realized I was there….As my eyes fill with tears in this moment as I write this, they are accompanied by a huge smile filled with warm memories that bring me so much joy.  You were a strong lady and you spoke the truth no matter how much it hurt.  You had such a strong faith and leave a wonderful legacy because of sharing that faith.  I have no doubt you are rejoicing in this moment standing in the glory of God with your husband and children who have been awaiting your arrival.  I am so thankful for all the warm memories and that God gave you to me as my grandmother.  The next time we meet I will be your sister and we will dance together before our Lord.  Until then, dear Grammy whom I love…rejoice in His presence and rest in His peace.





When you are the least…

Why do some people seem to have more value than others in God’s family? Why is it that certain people or groups always seem to get preferential treatment over others?  Is it because they are pretty? Often. Is it because of a special talent or amazing accomplishment? Quite likely. Is it because of who they know, what their last name is or how much money they have or how successful they are? Maybe. Is it because they are more important? No. Is it because God loves them more? Never. Is it because they deserve it? Absolutely not! Apart from Christ we are all equal and all deserve Hell. In Christ we are all equally worthy of His inheritance…and equally loved. So, if we are to love like Christ and treat others as better than ourselves…why does this happen?

God loves each of us and values each of us the same and He considers all of us worthy to die for. I think this kind of thing may break God’s heart more than any other because the first and greatest commandment is to love…His way. But alas…we are still human aren’t we?

Take courage bottom dwellers. People who have been rejected or put on a list as the least here on earth…will be exalted in Heaven. I know your heart is broken but remember that God is near to the brokenhearted. He collects all your tears…doesn’t miss a single one. Just look to His face and nothing else will matter! I know it’s so hard not to be negative and not to be angry and not to cry out for justice. I know that rejection fuels your sense of worthlessness and hopelessness which doesn’t help you to gain popularity.  In fact, it just makes the problem worse. Remember, self-pity and depression are self-focused. Just look to God and focus on His glory and majesty and unconditional love and power…and think about how He is King of all Kings and His love for you is perfect. Focus on Him and pleasing Him….and all that He has for you. There is no better way to overcome bitterness and self-pity. There is no greater victory over rejection and despair! His love is so perfect and so wonderful…and nobody in this world or in your church can satisfy that longing like He can. When you do this…it won’t matter if you are the most popular or the most invisible person in your congregation! You will be able to smile and spread joy despite the worst rejection and ridicule!

But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then. – Matthew 19:30 NLT

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. – Psalm 34:18 NLT

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. – Psalm 56:8 NLT