A Birthday Prayer – For Rachael

Father I offer up this prayer as I celebrate

A gift for which I deeply care given on this date

Yes today I celebrate the giving of the life

Of a precious woman, sister, mother, friend and wife

I love those rare occasions when we get to have time

To share our hearts, paint our nails, laugh at life and unwind

I ask Lord that You bless her until it spills over

That she turns to You in hard times and lets You hold her

I pray that You will be the focus of her heart and mind

From when she rises until she lays down to unwind

I pray for You to draw us together as sisters ought be

First as my sister in You then a sister to me

I pray this year will be the year that we become close

For no friend is better than than the sister You love most

Lord, my heart is so longing that she would let me be

The sister You want me to be as she is to me

I pray that our hearts would unite filled with You this year

And that You would give her joy in the place of her many tears

Use me, Lord as a godly example of a sister

And help her to understand how I love and miss her

Let my words be from You to lift her when she is down

To shine light in her darkness and lead her to firm ground

And most of all, Lord, thank You for the day of her birth

My sister is a gift from You of infinite worth

I pray she will see her value to You and to me

And that this year You will bless her life abundantly

And may part of that beautiful blessing also fall

On our friendship as You become more her all in all

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Sister!Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Sister

I Love You Bunches and More!!!

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