The Hurting Church

The sins of the father will be passed from generation to generation until the cycle is broken with genuine repentance.  The church is full of hurting people.  Hurting people hurt people.  This is the cycle that needs to be broken in the church.  I truly believe this is causing a huge exodus that it taking place with believers.  It’s time to break the cycle. It’s time to come to Christ in deep broken repentance.  It is time to stop doing good deeds and start letting Christ in us love through us.  Forget intellectualism, theological explanations, big words, Greek words, Hebrew words, Latin words, church politics, programs and any other distraction that causes us to miss the point of why we do what we do.  Let it all go for just a moment and breathe.  Church…stop the madness and listen…LISTEN!  The Holy Spirit is speaking to you. He wants to be your guide. He wants your obedience. He wants to show you, to teach you.  It’s time to stop all the noise and listen to the voice of God within all of us. It’s time to walk in obedience to that voice and to let that Spirit teach us to love.  Stop hurting each other!

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