40 Days to Become: Week One – Pressing On

This post is going to be fun for me even if nobody reads it because I’m just going to talk about what God has done with me this week.  It will be long because He is doing so much.  I have been trying to find that place in my walk (journey of becoming more like Jesus) with God where He has the controls and I’m not trying to manipulate things as I think they should be.

I’m trying to connect with Jesus and hear from Him as I go about my day.  I have put aside things that may distract me from my focus during this time. It started out as one thing and then as the week went on, I began to notice many things distracting me so one by one, I am eliminating these distractions and it is totally changing the direction of my life! I started out limiting my time on Facebook, which is one of my biggest distractions lately.  Then, I noticed that I was just using other means of social networking to replace that time such as email, Instagram, Twitter and other things.  I didn’t hang out in those places much, but I just want to be careful that I don’t because I want my focus to be on God alone (it has not been easy by any stretch of the most creative imagination).

The next thing I realized I needed to do was to avoid listening to any secular music during  this time.  That hasn’t been a huge sacrifice because I don’t listen to it much anyhow.  But, with that realization comes the fact that there are some things I watch on television that are a distraction to my relationship with God as well.  I’m not saying these things are evil or bad in any way (although I’m not implying that they aren’t either).  I just know that the crime shows and one particular sitcom that I like, well the focus is usually very liberal and very not friendly to Christianity.  So, although I don’t feel like I need to forbid myself from these things altogether, I am turning off the television more (also to help Hubby because that is the distraction he is trying to avoid and he shut off his secular music to help me last night so I think I need to support him as well).  I digress.

I know this seems like a lot and some people might see me as OCD with this.  But, I have some things in my life that I have battled for a very long time and I am determined to have victory over them once and for all during this season in my life. These struggles have been such a huge distraction and have stunted my growth as a believer.  They have kept me from moving forward in my life and on my journey with God.  I want more of Him and less of me. I want to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).

God has called me into fellowship with Jesus Christ.  As Mandisa says in her song, “Press On”, I am putting one step in front of the other with no looking back. When I am running a race and I am running to win, I know that if my focus is anywhere but the finish line, I will slow down, especially when I look behind.  This has been the biggest stumbling block in my walk with God. I have to stop looking back. I have to stay focused on the finish line where my prize awaits, that wonderful perfect place of  lasting joy, peace and fellowship with Christ no matter what is going on around me.  It is the goal.  It is my victory.

Please bear with my posts as they are going to be much more laid back and real for a while (perhaps even all over the place).  I’m still working on John 15, and I will post as I am inspired but today, this is my inspiration.  I want to tell you about this amazing journey and I want you to go on this journey with me as much as possible because it’s a journey we are all on as believers.  (If you are not a believer, I hope to inspire you to become one and join me in this marvelous adventure! If you’re interested, please contact me either in comments or via email .

run-the-race-hebrews12_1_bIn summary, I started out on day one understanding that I needed to remove any distractions.  So, I removed the one thing I knew had to go.  But, as the week progressed, God has been showing me so much more. I never realized how many things were distracting me. One thing that has really been helping me to see clearly and think clearly is that I joined TOPS in hopes to lose a few pounds over the next year.  In the process, I have entered into a walking contest for the summer.  I don’t know what the prize is but for me, I have already won!  The goal for the contest is to help people to see the benefits of walking daily.  I started out with a goal to walk at least 2 miles a day.  Then it was 3 miles, then 5.  Well, I have met and exceeded all those goals and am working my way to 7.5 miles which is 15,000 steps (update: completed over 16,000 steps/8 miles after writing this).  I also have begun bike riding and this wonderful workout program that keeps me so focused on God and inspired.  I am worshiping God in ways I never knew were possible and TOPS isn’t even a Christian program!

I worship with music as I walk and exercise.  I am exercising to a work out routine that I developed by putting together a bunch of my favorite work out videos to make a 30 minute workout complete with warm ups and cool downs. All the songs God has led me to listen to have had very positive messages to encourage me in my walk with God and strengthen areas in my life where I am weak. I am learning to love God better with all of me: body, mind and spirit.  All of this has come in only the first week. I have struggled so much and been set free from so many things. I have a long way to go but I am going to finish this race and finish well because my Savior is running with me all the way, cheering me on and strengthening me even when I feel like giving up!  I prayed for God to help me to love exercise and I am feeling His answer.  I am experiencing the endurance that comes from working hard.  I am able to go longer and accomplish more as I go. God is teaching me through my physical sacrifice about spiritual sacrifice and how we can stand stronger when it gets tough if we are fit for the test.

Well, I could go on forever but I need to call it a night.  I wish hundreds of people read my posts because I sure would love to share this experience with as many people as I can!!!!

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