Sanctification – Counting the Cost

I have had such a hard life in so many ways. Sometimes in moments of weakness, I ask God, “Why? Why does everything seem to go smooth for some Christians and others just have one tragedy after another?” I read my devotion that tells me that sanctification comes with great sacrifice. Then I think that I don’t have what it takes because I just don’t want to sacrifice anymore. I have this attitude because I am thinking with my head and not according to what God says in His word.  I am not focusing on the Kingdom as Christ did and commands me to do (see Matthew 6: 17-34). He sacrificed everything for those who were doomed to eternity in Hell – for me.

Jesus was not popular. From what I have read, He was pretty much a nobody until the last few years of his life. He was constantly under scrutiny and criticism then ultimately rejected by the very people who claimed to love Him the most. If that price was not too much for the Son of God, then it should not be too much for me, yet I tell God, “No more. I can’t take anymore!”. That is because I am seeing life through my own eyes and I have not put on the mind of Christ that 1 Corinthians 2: 13-16 speaks of. The same Holy Spirit in Christ is in me. I have to trust in this Spirit of the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), but I don’t want to because if He has to make me strong, that indicates a reason I will need that strength. It grips me with fear and trembling because I know the power of God and following Him with all my heart is going to be painful. But, not following Him with all my heart comes with a much greater price.

I have nothing to fear but God Himself. Not being willing to sacrifice will hurt much more in the long run.  I must be willing to lay down my very life (John 15:13).  The reward is far greater than the sacrifice (2 Corinthians 2:9).  But, am I willing?  Am I ready?  I wish that I could say a resounding “Yes!”  But,  I’m not sure I can.  I fear the cost…and this kind of fear, I know, is not from God, it’s a lack of trust in Him (1 Timothy 1:7).

Lord, before I can be willing to sacrifice, I need your help.  I need You to take my fear and help me to trust You and that no matter what comes, I will be strong and I can have peace in knowing that persecution, trials and suffering are the purifying fires which sanctify. They make me more able to love You and others unconditionally and wholeheartedly as you have commanded in Mark 12:30-31. Without the pain of loss, I can not know how much there is to gain. I need You because it is only through You that I can have the strength stand. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is Your promise in Philippians 4:13.  I must trust You.  I must trust in Your promises. There is nothing greater to trust in.

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