Her Heart Meets The King’s (Short Version)

This is the shorter version of the poem in my previous post:

Her Heart Meets the King’s


She could not even comprehend

A love that has no start or end

A love no more nor ever less

A love so perfect and so blessed


She’d only known love so fleeting

That followed insults and beatings

She believed she was unworthy

So messed up ruined and dirty


But then He came on bended knee

And told her she had such beauty

Love so real caught her by surprise

And wiped the tears out of her eyes


See He was not your average man

Behold the King the Great I Am

The Prince of Peace she met that day

He washed her every stain away


He gave her peace and gave her worth

He had plans far before her birth

No man nor beast nor wicked thing

Nor insults with their nasty sting


Could change the plan He had designed

Before birth she was on His mind

Before her time He was so sure

That she was worthy to die for


So die He did upon a tree

And came that day to set her free

He calls her beautiful and pure

He calls her lovely and adored


Never had she known love like this

She did not know what she had missed

Heaven came down to earth that day

And washed all the ashes away


Gone were the ruins of her life

Gone was the agony and strife

He gave her hopes He gave her dreams

Strength to overcome anything


In His great hands she now can know

That she can stand through all life’s blows

She has purpose and destiny

From the One who died on a tree


With tears of joy she now can sing

Of the love she found through her King

He works her success and failures

To glorify the Creator


So there is no man or leader

Who has the right to mistreat her

She is worthy of hopes and dreams

Impossible as they may seem


For nothing stops what God ordains

He has purpose for lives He claims

When our dreams meet His you see

Our destiny is victory


Copyright 2013 Katrina L. Dunkin

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