Welcome to Rhemajoy Ministries

Prof Pic 14Rhema is a word from God directed specifically to you or your situation and is supported by scripture.  It is a joy beyond description to hear the God of the universe speak to me.  I hope that through this ministry, others will also experience the this joy that I have through God’s spoken word.  It is the goal of  RhemaJoy Ministries to educate, and minister to others who are trying to recover from situations of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, rejection and the low self-esteem resulting from a lifetime of being beaten down. I am a child of the Most High King.  That makes me a princess in the Kingdom of God.  Because of Christ in me, I can have full confidence in who I am.  God thinks I’m worth dying for and so are you!

This blog is designed to be real. I am a real person. I have real struggles. I am imperfect and seeking to grow to be better in Christ with every trial that each day brings. It is not my goal to appear like I have it altogether. It is not my intent to impress anyone with any knowledge or wisdom I have because any that I do have is only by the grace of God who gives it to me as it is needed for His purpose. I am not trying to make an impression that I have it all figured out because I most certainly do not. I am not unlike everyone else. I am trying to do the best I can.

I am seeking God in my weaknesses. I know that I have not arrived and I hope I never come across that I think that way to anyone. Just as soon as I think I have arrived, I will surely learn that I have not.

Sometimes I have dysfunctional moments. Sometimes my thinking is not right. Sometimes I let my guard down. Sometimes I do not do what I know is right to do. This is real life. It is a battle for righteousness; a battle against a carnal nature that holds tight to things in this life which are temporary. It tries to exalt itself over God, unlike the spiritual side which desires to glorify God (see Ephesians 6:12). This is the life of a believer in Christ, striving to learn and grow closer to Him with each passing day. Sometimes I take one step forward and two steps back. But, ultimately, the goal is to continue to strive, to press on, to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way of reaching toward the goal of the prize that is found in my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I am an over-comer and it is my desire to be transparent about my battles and victories in order to encourage others to keep fighting the good fight. In Christ we all are overcomers. We must not give up. We must fight to the finish! According to The Bible, in Philippians 4:13, we can do all things by the power of Christ who gives us strength!!!! 

It is my prayer that as I share personal testimony and stories, that God will use His Word to speak to you as He does to me. Through His Word, we can together find healing, hope, joy and peace as we travel together on this difficult journey through life. Through God’s Holy Scripture we can know Him more.

I love the reviving, motivating aroma of freshly ground coffee beans first thing in the morning.  Freshly pressed coffee is the essence of rejuvenation.  But what I love even more is the revival I receive each morning  when I start the day firmly grounded in the Word of God.  So grab a cup of java and join me on this journey from glory to glory as each new morning beckons for a fresh cup of faith.

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Disclaimer:  All photos and videos are those I have found on the internet.  If I have used unauthorized material in any wrongful manner, please contact me and I will remove it promptly.

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